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Aristos GmbH is the joint venture of the companies Eltroplan Engineering GmbH, PLC2 Design GmbH and Kaiser Ingenieurbüro GmbH, which are well established on the market. The bundling of many years of experience in the fields of software, hardware and mechanics under one roof was inspired by a quote from Aristoteles.


joint venture aristos


"The whole is more than the sum of its parts."

Aristoteles (384 - 322 B.C.)

Aristos offers holistic and innovative answers in the field of embedded technologies. As a system supplier, special customer requirements can be identified reliably, quickly and efficiently. From prototype development on the basis of a mere idea to series production, customers benefit from flexible structures and full-step realization of objectives. Through proactive consulting, the great synergy effects and state-of-the-art know-how, customer success can be maximized at minimal effort. The joint venture works in partnership with renowned companies from various industries. These include, for example, the automotive, pharmaceutical/medical, telecommunications and aviation/defence sectors.


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Eltroplan was founded in 1978 as a layout service provider and has been producing in the immediate vicinity of Kaiser in Endingen am Kaiserstuhl since 1989. Eltroplan Engineering is a system provider. It develops, designs and produces highly complex and sophisticated electronic assemblies and devices.


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PLC2 stands for design, products and training around FPGAs and embedded systems. Under one roof we combine our services and offerings and as a full-service provider we can deliver exclusive solutions for your complex requirements.

Great experience and high commitment are essential characteristics for the successful training and groundbreaking design and product developments from PLC2. For our customers, we are a long-term partner in the entire process - so that you can find your customized solution together with us.



With a reliable network of important strategic partnerships, we generate valuable synergy effects. By combining the special know-how of the alliance partners and a consistent exchange of experience, the possibilities for technical innovations and also the quality of the end products can be enormously increased.

Partner in medical technology

With Dr. med. Dipl.-Ing. Klaus-Dieter Beller we have a very important partner in the field of medical technology. As a physician for pharmacology and toxicology as well as an engineer for medical technology (TH Karlsruhe) with many years of professional experience at various research institutions and the pharmaceutical industry, he offers comprehensive consulting services for the pharmaceutical industry, manufacturers in the field of healthcare, life design and wellness as well as producers of consumer goods for medical practices and hospitals in addition to his practical work.

In 2001 he founded the company Med&Tec to offer interdisciplinary consulting, mediation and development for medicine and technology. One of the focal points is the development of inhalers.

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